Thursday, June 20, 2013

Marketing Magic

If you are a business owner, you may sometimes find your business dries up. This is a horrible feeling. Are you going to fail? Will you end up on the dole? Well, maybe this is getting a bit carried away. But it still is a terrible feeling when your regular customers don’t seem to be coming to you anymore.

Perhaps you have had only one kind of public you have been servicing in your years of business. It’s always been your bread and butter. You count on it. But now, virtually nothing! Panic time!

Well, it’s time to make a change. You must think out of the box in cases like this. You must start looking for customers elsewhere. Without stopping your normal promotions to your past customers, you have to start reaching out to new ones.

It might take a little research. Or you may almost instantly have that epiphany and know exactly who to contact. No matter, start getting out your communication lines and promote, promote, promote!

Look for those who would likely want your service. What are your talents and who wants what you have to deliver? Open your mind to all the possibilities. They are out there and someone is just waiting for you to call on them because they need you!

When you continue your regular promotions, you’ll keep what business will come your way from your old customers. But you’ll now be picking up a new bunch, and when the regular customers pick up again, you’ll have EXPANSION!

Oh yes, and don’t forget – produce a product of such high quality that your customers would never dream of using anyone else.


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